Bemused Of Ewell

Random burblings about Ewell Village and the surrounding area.


Wednesday, 12 March 2008

What's In A Name...

I have been asked why I don't have a snappy, punnish title for this blog, such as Ewell Log (or, worse, Ewell Blog), or Ewell Tidings. Mostly that's because, in the Bemused household, it is Mr Bemused who is in charge of bad puns (while I am in charge of throwing things at him when they get too much).

My occasional correspondent and general inspiration, the Greenwich Phantom, did suggest that perhaps I should be Ewell Ectoplasm, but there are two problems with that: one, nobody can spell Ectoplasm, and two, anyone who has seen Ghostbusters will know that ectoplasm is depicted as looking suspiciously like, well, snot. Thanks, but no thanks.

Belle De Ewell? Possibly not. Village Vixen? May give the wrong impression, I feel.

No, Bemused Of Ewell I shall remain, for the moment at least...



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